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Showing posts from 2021

Rocky Ridge Safari in East Texas

Under the clear blue skies of East Texas is a gem of a drive-through wildlife and safari center called Rocky Ridge Safari that hosts over 25 different species of animals amongst the 200 acres of native trees and smooth red clay winding roads.  A friend asked me to go with her while visiting family in Texas, and I didn't hesitate to say yes! I couldn't believe my luck in the backwoods of Eustace, very close to Canton, was an incredible drive through wildlife center. The trip was a perfect opportunity to do an animal photoshoot and hopefully shoot some great pictures right from the front seat of my friend Linda's car.  We headed out early to be the first car in line when it opened at 10 a.m. since we knew the animals would be hungry and eager to make their way to our car. When you buy your ticket, it also comes with a good size food bag for feeding with each one. The animals were very eager to see us or rather the food we were handing out. I'm not sure I have a favorite f